South Texas Ag Symposium online program set for April 14

MARCH 28, 2020

The 2020 South Texas Agriculture Symposium: Advocating for Agriculture, presented by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in collaboration with the Texas Department of Agriculture, will be held from 8 a.m to 1 p.m. April 14.  

Due to concerns with COVID-19, the program, sponsored by the Bexar County Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, will be conducted online. The cost is $10 to participate. 

Registration will be through Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Conference Services at and will close at midnight April 12. Registrants will receive an email link April 13 that will enable them to join the symposium.  

“We are asking people to register so we can know from which county office they received information about the workshop or where their land is located in the event they heard about it elsewhere,” said Megan Clayton, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension range specialist, Corpus Christi. “We are also asking them to register so we can obtain pesticide applicator license numbers for attendees wanting the two continuing education units available through this event.” 

Clayton said the only participation requirements are advance registration and access to a personal computer or laptop and internet access.  

The program offers two general Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units. 

Symposium topics and AgriLife Extension presenters will be: 

  • The NOT Beef Burger, Joe Paschal, Ph.D., livestock specialist, Corpus Christi.    

  • Hemp Production Laws in Texas, Josh McGinty, Ph.D., agronomist, Corpus Christi. 

  • Update: New Range and Pasture Herbicides, Clayton. 

  • The Scoop on Glyphosate, McGinty. 

  • Cattle, Sheep or Goats? Fitting the Right Animal to Your Situation, Paschal. 

  • Path to the Plate and, Dan Hale, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension associate director — agriculture and natural resources, College Station. 

  • Insect Update: Pesticide Safety and Environmental Health, Mark Matocha, Ph.D., agricultural and environmental safety specialist, College Station.  

  • Fertilizing: Options and Accurate Prescriptions, Jamie Foster, Ph.D., agronomy and biodiversity specialist, College Station. 

  • Cattle Fever Tick Update, Paschal. 

  • The Sustainability Movement, Clayton. 

There will be time at the end of the program for attendees to ask presenters questions in their area of expertise.