New Leadership Represents Texas Cattle Producers on Texas Beef Council Board 

November 29, 2018

AUSTIN, TX – The Texas Beef Council’s (TBC) newly elected board of directors began the new fiscal year leading the state’s producer-run beef marketing organization. The TBC board of directors consists entirely of beef producers providing representation of the state through organization affiliation. In addition, the board may elect two directors at large, without nomination by a qualified organization, to round out the board with equitable geographic and sector representation.

Steven Lastovica of Salado is an at-large member and the newly elected chairman of the TBC board. Lastovica is the owner of Milano Livestock Exchange, a licensed and bonded livestock dealership providing stocker and feeder cattle to feedlots, as well as replacement females through internet and private treaty sales. Lastovica and his family also own and operate Lastovica Cattle Company, a registered Angus cattle operation.

Michael White of Vernon is the newly elected vice chairman of the TBC board representing Texas Farm Bureau. White is a fourth generation farmer and rancher in Wilbarger county. Gene & Michael White Farms raises wheat, cotton and commercial cattle. He has been involved with the Texas Farm Bureau since 1988 and served as vice president.  

Joining Lastovica and White on the executive committee are Jason Beyer, representing packers; Brad Hasting, representing Texas Cattle Feeders Association; and outgoing chair Ryan Moorhouse representing Texas Cattle Feeders Association. The executive committee acts for the entire board on matters that require action between regularly scheduled meetings for the full 20 member board.

The TBC board establishes the budget and ultimately decides which demand building programs receive checkoff funding collected under the national Beef Checkoff Program. Directors can serve up to six consecutive one-year terms on the TBC board. 

To learn more about your beef checkoff programs, visit or call 1-800-846-4113.

Left to right: Ryan Moorhouse, Brad Hastings, Steven Lastovica (chairman), Michael White (vice chairman), Jason Beyer

Left to right: Ryan Moorhouse, Brad Hastings, Steven Lastovica (chairman), Michael White (vice chairman), Jason Beyer