CenTex Beef Symposium set for Sept.29th
The Annual CenTex Beef Cattle Symposium will be held at Swinging B Ranch, Axtell, Texas on Friday, Sept. 29th. The ranch is located off Kirkland Hill Road, 20 minutes northeast of Waco.
This years’ program will include live cattle demonstrations, a ranch tour and a ribeye steak dinner. Mackie and Norma Jean Bounds will host the 2017 CenTex Beef Cattle Symposium.
Speakers will include Dr. Jason Cleere - Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Beef Cattle Specialist; Drs. Dan Miller and Todd Whitesell, of M&W Cattle Services; Mackie Bounds with Beefmaster Breeders United; James Locke, Noble Research Institute and Gustavo Toro, marketing director of Sexing Technologies.
Discussion topics will include:
• Benefits of a Bull Gain Test
• Managing Warm Season Forages to Meet Your Goals
• Benefits of Technology in Beef Cattle,
• Beefmaster Breeders Update
• Bull Selection and Management
• Managing a Recip. and Donor Cow Herd.
There will be several live cattle demonstrations including Miller and Whitesell performing a live embryo collection and transfer, and Dr. Cleere concerning bull selection and cow herd management.
Participants will be able to visit agricultural business vendors, while attending the seminar and be entered into drawings for multiple door prizes from our vendors.
Registration is $25.00 will begin at 7:30 a.m. on Sept. 29th at Swinging B Ranch in Axtell.
Please RSVP by Friday, Sept. 22nd by calling the McLennan County Extension office at (254)757-5180 or your host county listed below. One general Texas Department of Agriculture CEU credit will be available for licensed applicators. Two (2) Beef Quality Credits will be offered for persons needing Beef Quality Assurance Credits.
The 2017 CenTex Beef Cattle Symposium is hosted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension County Beef & Forage Committees in Bell, Bosque, Coryell, Falls, Hamilton, Hill, Johnson, Limestone and McLennan Counties. For more information or to RSVP, contact your local County Extension Office or the McLennan County Extension office by Sept. 25th at (254) 757-5180.