BQA Certification Now Free, Online, 24/7


You read the headline right. The checkoff’s Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certification is now always FREE online! It’s a new interactive online experience that beef and dairy producers can sign up for and complete at their convenience.

Why BQA? Because it tells consumers that you have a commitment to delivering a product that is backed by science-based standards. Certification also addresses many questions that consumers have about beef production. BQA ensures consumers that cattle producers are committed to responsibly raising, safe, wholesome, high quality beef.

“It only takes a few hours of watching modules and answering questions, but serves as a checklist for producers to make sure they are using the latest management practices,” says Josh White, Executive Director of Producer Education for the beef checkoff. “We have seen time and time again how consumer confidence is positively affected when BQA standards are followed, and producers have shown their commitment to producing quality beef by being BQA-certified.”

So whether you need to get certified for the first time, or recertified, do it today! It’s always free!

For more information about your beef checkoff investment, visit